Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day Four - Rained Out

All setup with no place to fly...
The fourth day of the competition started off looking like a great day for Henson's Gap.  The task assignment for the day, for C pilots at least, was to fly to Tavern, then to Galloway.  Incidentally, this is almost the exact flight path that I took on Day Two when I screwed up and went the wrong way (thanks Ollie!).

Storm marched up the valley...
After the morning briefing and task assignment we all got our gliders, set them up, suited up, and prepared to launch.  We were literally lining up on launch and getting ready to fly when the call came in on the radio:  Rain at Galloway.  Shoot.  We backed off of launch and watched the valley as a storm built up over the Galloway airport and rolled down the valley.  It was really incredible to watch from such a vantage point.  Dennis Pagen, author of "Understanding the Sky", pointed out the gust front and warned us all to turn our gliders away from the blast.  We did so and everyone survived the gusting winds without damage.

Reminds me of Kate Moss!
It tried to bite my finger off :(
The day was canceled so we enjoyed goofing off, drinking beer, and checking out some of the crazy bugs that were attracted to Dean Funk's tent.  Maybe it was the smell...

The evening ended with the TreeToppers karaoke party at Sing It or Wing It in downtown Chattanooga.  I managed to talk Barry Klein into singing "On a Sport 2" (parody song to the tune of "Like a Virgin") with me, and helped Ollie with his version of "Money for Nothin" that he called "Glides for Nothin'".  It was great fun!

Great times!
Tomorrow is supposed to be a really good day for Whitwell... let's keep our fingers crossed!!

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